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How AmBritish is helping Edtech industry in India where companies fail to fill the gap

India is the largest marketplace not only for Indian companies but also for companies out of the country. It has the greatest number of youth in comparison to the world. India has everything-man power and resources both. The only gap that India has seen over the years is, putting the youth of the nation to the right track for their career and growth.

AmBritish focuses on making youth ready for their career from the ground stage where they are given pre-career training to ensure they stand in the industry as a leader and not just as an employee as almost every single EdTech company does in India. AmBritish Offers various programs which are inspired by the training programs of Harvard Business School and also by other top universities in the world. Training programs and materials from AmBritish are totally inspired from the contents and training materials from the topmost universities based in UK, USA, Australia, Ukraine, China, France etc. We believe in making youth future-ready entrepreneur where landing with some jobs becomes a self-training phase to learn about the corporate culture, work method, and cognizance of the respective industry. We never believe in making youth job-ready person instead a future leaders, entrepreneurs have some visions in mind post-job role to contribute in society. AmBritish understand and value the talents, skills and primarily potential Indian Youth have to be the world leader for tomorrow. Nobody can deny that all the top leaders in the world of top companies are from India or, Indian Talents only. Hence, it is there in our genes to lead the world. India has always been a world guru and AmBritish will help make youth to maintain this legacy in the future too.


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